Tropicana Field Hotels

The best places to stay are often most the most convenient for those who are in town for the game day. We have carefully selected the below hotels that will bring you nothing but the best experience when you are in St. Petersburg.

These hotels are located within three (3) miles to Tropicana Field and are below $150 per night for a maximum of 2 guests. They are also rated at least 4 stars out of 5 by their previous guests on Google.

Hotels Nearby

Avalon Hotel

Located only a mile away from Tropicana Field, Avalon is a boutique hotel experience that is perfect for anyone who wants easy access to the game. With access to a free shuttle that can take you to and from games, making it right to your gate will be easy. The rooms at Avalon are modern and comfortable.

Hollander Hotel

Just over a mile away from Tropicana Field and downtown St. Petersburg, Hollander Hotel is a luxury hotel equipped with a pool, unique rooms, and top-quality staff. If you want to enhance your trip in a relaxing environment, you’ll find this to be a premium, flexible choice for your trip to Tropicana Field.

The Cordova Inn

Another favorite for Rays fans staying in the city, the Cordova Inn is located just over a mile away from Tropicana Field. Nestled in the heart of historic downtown St Petersburg, this hotel offers a series of plush rooms with high-quality service.

Tru by Hilton

Another popular St. Petersburg hotel within 0.2 miles of the Stadium is Tru by Hilton. Located in Downtown Central Avenue, it is a modern, simplistic hotel that includes a gym and terrace. This is a favorite for Tampa Bay Rays fans visiting the area for an important game.

Mint House St. Petersburg

If you’re looking for a downtown hotel that’s within walking distance of the stadium, Mint House is a sure-fire way to get the experience of a local. Mint House offers rooms with private balconies, patios, and kitchenettes. This is a great choice if you want to stay in the area and make the most of St. Petersburg’s Edge District.

Book your hotel stay with our trusted partner site NOW by clicking on the link below. There is no additional charge whenever you book a stay or purchase your tickets on our site.